About us
Memory Wars (documentary feature, 90″, 2025)
Dreamaway (documentary feature, 86″, 2018)
Hunters (documentary feature, 79″, 2016)
Toxic World (tv-documentary, 28″, Arte, 2023)
False Memories (tv-documentary, 45″, 3sat, 2016)
Will We Take More Drugs? (tv-documentary, 28″, Arte, 2022)
Animal Rights (tv-documentary, 45″, 3sat, 2018)
Halligen life in the climate crises (tv-documentary, 58″, NDR, 2023)
Medical Research in Flux (tv-documentary, 45″, 3sat, 2019)
The Union (video excerpt, 2005)
The Iconist – Dibbern (2010)
Hold Merkel (2007)